日本語/English もどる



  1. Hyodo, R., Genda, H., and Madeira, G. (2025) Pollution resistance of Saturn’s ring particles during micrometeoroid impact. Nature Geoscience 18, 44-49. / Nature Geoscience HP

  2. Allibert, L., Siebert, J., Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Raymond, S., Jacobson, S. Nakajima, M., and Charnoz, S. (2025) Collisional erosion of mantle silicate during accretion can set the elevated Fe/Mg ratio of Earth. Icarus 429, 116385. / Icarus HP

  3. Marty, B., and Genda, H. (2025) Geochemical and dynamical views on the origin of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Treatise on Geochemistry (3rd edition) 8, 383-416. / HP

  4. 2024

  5. Fukai, R., Usui, T., Fujiya, W., Takano, Y., Bajo, K., Beck A., Bonato, E., Chabot, N. L., Furukawa, Y., Genda, H., Hibiya, Y., Jourdan, F., Kleine, T., Koike, M., Matsuoka, M., Miura, Y. N., Moynier, F., Okazaki, R., Russell, S. S., Sumino, H., Zolensky, M. E., Sugahara, H., Tachibana, S., Sakamoto, K., Abe, M., Cho, Y., and Kuramoto, K. (2024) Curation protocol of Phobos sample returned by Martian Moons Exploration. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 59, 321-337. / MPS HP

  6. Hirata, K., Usui, T., Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Fukai, R., Lawrence, D. J., Chabot, N. L., Peplowski, P. N., and Kusano, H. (2024) Mixing model of Phobos' bulk elemental composition for the determination of its origin: Multivariate analysis of MMX/MEGANE data. Icarus 410, 115891. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  7. 2023

  8. Hamann, C., Kurosawa, K., Ono, H., Tada, T., Langenhorst, F., Pollok, K. Genda, H., Niihara, T., Okamoto, T., and Matsui, T. (2023) Experimental evidence for shear-induced melting and generation of stishovite in granite at low (<18 GPa) shock pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2023JE007742. / JGR HP

  9. Madeira, G., Charnoz, S., Zhang, Y., Hyodo, R., Michel, P., Genda, H., and Winter, S. G. (2023) Exploring the recycling model of Phobos formation: Rubble-pile satellites. The Astronomical Journal 615, 161. / AJ HP / astro-ph

  10. Ogihara, M., Genda, H., and Sekine, Y. (2023) Early water delivery to terrestrial planet regions during the stages of Jupiter's formation and migration in the Grand Tack model. The Planetary Science Journal 4, 32. / PSJ HP / astro-ph

  11. Ono, H., Kurosawa, K., Niihara, T., Mikouchi, T., Tomioka, N., Isa, J., Kagi, H., Matsuzaki, T., Sakuma, H., Genda, H., Sakaiya, T., Kondo, T., Kayama, M., Koike, M., Sano, Y., Murayama, M., Satake, Y., and Matsui T. (2022) Experimentally shock-induced melt veins in basalt: Improving the shock classification of eucrites. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2022GL101009. / GRL HP / astro-ph

  12. 2022

  13. Nakamura, T., ... , Genda, H. (7th/221), et al. (2022) Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples. Science 10.1126/science.abn8671. / Science HP

  14. Wakita, S., Genda, H., Kurosawa, K., Davison, T. M., and Johnson, B. C. (2022) Effect of impact velocity and angle on deformational heating and post-impact temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127, e2022JE007266. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  15. Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Sekiguchi, R., Madeira, G., and Charnoz, S. (2022) Challenges in forming Phobos and Deimos directly from a splitting of an ancestor single moon. The Planetary Science Journal 3, 204. / PSJ HP / astro-ph

  16. Kurosawa, K., Ono, H., Niihara, T., Sakaiya, T., Kondo, T., Tomioka, N., Mikouchi, T., Genda, H., Matsuzaki, T., Kayama, M., Koike, M., Sano, Y., Maruyama, M., Satake, W., and Matsui, T. (2022) Shock recovery with decaying compressive pulses: Shock effects in calcite (CaCO3) around the Hugoniot elastic limit. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127, e2021JE007133. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  17. Sugiura, K., Haba, M. K., and Genda, H. (2022) Giant impact onto a Vesta-like asteroid and formation of mesosiderites through mixing of metallic core and surface crust. Icarus 379, 114949. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  18. Nakajima, M., Genda, H., Asphaug, E., and Ida, S. (2022) Large planets may not form fractionally large moons. Nature Communications 13, 568. / Nat. Comm. HP

  19. Kuramoto, K., Kawakatsu, Y., Fujimoto, M., Araya, A., Barucci, M. A., Genda, H., Hirata, N., Ikeda, H., Imamura, T., Helbert, J., Kameda, S., Kobayashi, M., Kusano, H., Lawrence, D. J., Matsumoto, K., Michel, P., Miyamoto, H., Morota, T., Nakagawa, H., Nakamura, T., Ogawa, K., Otake, H., Ozaki, M., Russell, S., Sasaki, S., Sawada, H., Senshu, H., Tachibana, S., Terada, N., Ulamec, S., Usui, T., Wada, K., Watanabe, S., and Yokota, S. (2022) Martian moons exploration MMX: sample return mission to Phobos elucidating formation processes of habitable planets. Earth, Planets and Space 74, 12. / EPS HP

  20. 2021

  21. Barucci, M. A., Reess, J.-M., Bernardi, P., Doressoundiram, A., Fornasier, S., Du, M. L., Iwata, T., Nakagawa, H., Nakamura, T., André, Y., Aoki, S., Arai, T., Baldit, E., Beck, P., Buey, J.-T., Canalias, E., Castelnau, M., Charnoz, S., Chaussidon, M., Chapron, R., Ciarletti, V., Delbo, M., Dubois, B., Gauffre, S., Gautier, T., Genda, H., Hassen-Khodja, R., Hervet, G., Hyodo, R., Imbert, C., Imamura, T., Jorda, L., Kameda, S., Kouach, D., Kouyama, T., Kuroda, T., Kurokawa, H., Lapaw, L., Lasue, J., Deit, L. L., Ledot, A., Leyrat, C., Ruyet, B. L., Matsuoka, M., Merlin, F., Miyamoto, H., Moynier, F., Tuong, N. N., Ogohara, K., Osawa, T., Parisot, J., Pistre, L., Quertier, B., Raymond, S. N., Rocard, F., Sakanoi, T., Sato, T. M., Sawyer, E., Tache, F., Trémolières, S., Tsuchiya, F., Vernazza, P., and Zeganadin, D. (2021) MIRS: an imaging spectrometer for the MMX mission. Earth, Planets and Space 73, 211. / EPS HP

  22. Kodama, T., Genda, H., Leconte, J., and Abe-Ouchi, A. (2021) The Onset of a Globally Ice-Covered State for a Land Planet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126, e2021JE006975. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  23. Sakuraba, H., Kurokawa, H., Genda, H., and Ohta, K. (2021) Numerous chondritic impactors and oxidized magma ocean set Earth’s volatile depletion. Scientific Reports 11, 20894. / Scientific Reports HP / astro-ph

  24. Arakawa, S., Hyodo, R., Shoji, D., and Genda, H. (2021) Tidal evolution of the eccentric moon around dwarf planet (225088) Gonggong. The Astronomical Journal 162, 226. / AJ HP / astro-ph

  25. Sugiura, K., Kobayashi, H., Watanabe, S., Genda, H., Hyodo, R., and Inutsuka, S. (2021) SPH simulations for shape deformation of rubble-pile asteroids through spinup: The challenge for making top-shaped asteroids Ryugu and Bennu. Icarus 365, 114505. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  26. Hyodo, R., and Genda, H. (2021) Erosion and accretion by cratering impacts on rocky and icy bodies. The Astrophysical Journal 913, 77. / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  27. Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Azuma, S., and Okazaki, K. (2021) The role of post‐shock heating by plastic deformation during impact devolatilization of calcite (CaCO3). Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2020GL091130. / GRL HP / astro-ph

  28. Hyodo, R., Genda, H., and Brasser, R. (2021) Modification of the composition and density of Mercury from late accretion. Icarus 354, 114064(11pp). / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  29. -- 2020

  30. Hyodo, R., and Genda, H. (2020) Escape and accretion by cratering impacts: Formulation of scaling relations for high speed ejecta. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 30 (10pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  31. Okamoto, T., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., and Matsui, T. (2020) Impact ejecta near the impact point observed using ultra-high-speed imaging and SPH simulations, and a comparison of the two methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125, e2019JE005943. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  32. Hyodo, R., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., and Usui, T. (2019) Transport of impact ejecta from Mars to its moons as a means to reveal Martian history. Scientific Reports 9, 19833. / Sci. Rep. HP / astro-ph

  33. Wakita, S., Genda, H., Kurosawa, K., and Davison, T. M. (2019) Enhancement of impact heating in pressure-strengthened rocks in oblique impacts. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 10.1029/2019GL085174. / GRL HP / astro-ph

  34. Kodama, T., Genda, H., O'ishi, R., Abe-Ouchi, A., and Abe, Y. (2019) Inner edge of habitable zones for Earth-sized planets with various surface water distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124, 2306-2324. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  35. Fujita, K., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Hyodo, R., Matsuyama, S., Yamagishi, A., Mikouchi, T., and Niihara, T. (2019) Assessment of microbial contamination probability for sample return from martian moons I: The departure of the microbes from Martian surface. Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 73-84. / LSSR HP / astro-ph

  36. Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Hyodo, R., Yamagishi, A., Mikouchi, T., Niihara, T., Matsuyama, S., and Fujita, K. (2019) Assessment of microbial contamination probability for sample return from martian moons II: The fate of microbes on Martian moons. Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 85-100. / LSSR HP / astro-ph

  37. Arakawa, S., Hyodo, R., and Genda, H. (2019) Early formation of moons around large trans-Neptunian objects via giant impacts. Nature Astronomy 3, 802-807. / Nature Astronomy HP / astro-ph

  38. Woo, J. M. Y., Genda, H., Brasser, R., and Mojzsis, S. (2019) Mars in the aftermath of a colossal impact. Icarus 333, 87-95. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  39. Hirose, K., Tagawa, S., Kuwayama, Y., Sinmyo, R., Morard, R., Ohishi, Y., and Genda, H. (2019) Hydrogen limits carbon in liquid iron. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 5190-5197. / GRL HP

  40. Wakita, S., and Genda, H. (2019) Fates of hydrous materials during planetesimal collisions. Icarus 328, 58-68. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  41. Sakuraba, H., Kurokawa, H., and Genda, H. (2019) Impact degassing and atmospheric erosion on Venus, Earth, and Mars during the late accretion. Icarus 317, 48-58. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  42. Suetsugu, R., Tanaka, H., Kobayashi, H., and Genda, H. (2018) Collisional disruption of planetesimals in the gravity regime with iSALE code: Comparision with SPH code for purely hydrodynamic bodies. Icarus 301, 219-234. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  43. Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Charnoz, S., Pignatale, F. C., and Rosenblatt, P. (2018) On the impact origin of Phobos and Deimos IV: Volatile depletion. The Astrophysical Journal 860, 150 (10pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  44. Hyodo, R., and Genda, H. (2018) Implantation of Martian materials in the inner solar system by a mega impact on Mars. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 856, L36 (6pp). / ApJL HP / astro-ph

  45. Kodama, T., Nitta, A., Genda, H., Takao, Y., O'ishi, R., Abe-Ouchi, A., and Abe, Y. (2018) Dependence of the onset of the runaway greenhouse effect on the latitudinal surface water distribution of Earth-like planets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123, 10.1002/2017JE005383. / JGR HP / astro-ph

  46. Kurosawa, K., and Genda, H. (2018) Effects of friction and plastic deformation in shock-comminuted damaged rocks on impact heating. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 10.1002/2017GL076285. / GRL HP / astro-ph

  47. Pignatale, F. C., Charnoz, S., Rosenblatt, P., Hyodo, R., Nakamura, T., and Genda, H. (2018) On the impact origin of Phobos and Deimos III: Resulting composition from different impactors. The Astrophysical Journal 853, 118 (12pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  48. Kurosawa, K., Okamoto, T., and Genda, H. (2018) Hydrocode modeling of the spallation process during hypervelocity impacts: Implications for the ejection of Martian meteorites. Icarus 301, 219-234. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  49. Hyodo, R., Rosenblatt, P., Genda, H., and Charnoz, S. (2017) On the impact origin of Phobos and Deimos II: True polar wander and disk evolution. The Astrophysical Journal 851, 122 (9pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  50. Genda, H., Brasser, R., and Mojzsis, S. J. (2017) The terrestrial late veneer from core disruption of a lunar-sized impactor. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 480, 25-32. / EPSL HP / astro-ph

  51. Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Charnoz, S., and Rosenblatt, P. (2017) On the impact origin of Phobos and Deimos I: Thermodynamic and physical aspects. The Astrophysical Journal 845, 125 (8pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph / Featured by AAS Nova

  52. Genda, H., Iizuka, T., Sasaki, T., Ueno, Y., and Ikoma, M. (2017) Ejection of iron-bearing giant-impact fragments and the dynamical and geochemical influence of the fragment re-accretion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 470, 87-95. / EPSL HP / astro-ph

  53. Genda, H., Fujita, T., Kobayashi, H., Tanaka, H., Suetsugu, R., and Abe, Y. (2017) Impact erosion model for gravity-dominated planetesimals. Icarus 294, 234-246. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  54. *Sekine, Y., *Genda, H., Kamata, S., and Funatsu, T. (2017) The Charon-forming giant impact as a source of Pluto's dark equatorial regions. Nature Astronomy 1, 0031. (*These authors contributed equally to this work) / Nat. Astro. HP

  55. Hyodo, R., Charnoz, S., Ohtsuki, K., and Genda, H. (2017) Ring formation around giant planets by a single tidal disruption of a passing large Kuiper Belt objects. Icarus 282, 195-213. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  56. Massol, H., Hamano, K., Tian, F., Ikoma, M., Abe, Y., Chassefière, E., Davaille, A., Genda, H., Güdel, M., Hori, Y., Leblanc, F., Marcq, E., Sarda, P., Shematovich, V. I., Stökl, A., and Lammer, H. (2016) Formation and evolution of protoatmospheres. Space Science Reviews 205, 153-211. / SSR HP

  57. Hyodo, R., Charnoz, S., Genda, H., and Ohtsuki, K. (2016) Formation of Centaurs' rings through their partial tidal disruption during planetary encounters. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 828, L8 (6pp). / ApJL HP / astro-ph / Featured by AAS Nova

  58. Rosenblatt, P., Charnoz, S., Dunseath, K. M., Terao-Dunseath, M., Trinh, A., Hyodo, R., Genda, H., and Toupin, S. (2016) Accretion of Phobos and Deimos in an extended debris disc stirred by transient moons. Nature Geoscience 9, 581-583. / Nature Geoscience HP

  59. Hosono, N., Saitoh, T. R., Makino, J., Genda, H., and Ida, S. (2016) The Giant Impact Simulations with Density Independent Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Icarus 271, 131-157. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  60. Genda, H. (2016) Origin of Earth’s Oceans: An Assessment of the Total Amount, History and Supply of Water. Geochemical Journal 50, 27-42. / GJ HP

  61. Kodama, T., Genda, H., Abe, Y., and Zahnle, K. (2015) Rapid Water Loss can Extend the Lifetime of the Planetary Habitability. The Astrophysical Journal 812, 165 (11pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  62. Genda, H., Fujita, T., Kobayashi, H., Tanaka, H., and Abe, Y. (2015) Resolution Dependence of Disruptive Collisions between Planetesimals in the Gravity Regime. Icarus 262, 58-66. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  63. Genda, H., Kobayashi, H., and Kokubo, E. (2015) Warm Debris Disks Produced by Giant Impact During Terrestrial Planet Formation. Astrophysical Journal 810, 136 (8pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  64. Citron, R. I., Genda, H., and Ida, S. (2015) Formation of Phobos and Deimos via a giant impact. Icarus 252, 334-338. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  65. Sekine, Y., Genda, H., Muto, Y., Sugita, S., Kadono, T., and Matsui, M. (2014) Impact chemistry of methanol: Implications for volatile evolution on icy satellites and dwarf planets, and cometary delivery to the Moon. Icarus 243 39-47. / Icarus HP

  66. Hamano, K., Abe, Y., and Genda, H. (2013) Emergence of two types of terrestrial planet on solidification of magma ocean. Nature 497, 607-610. / Nature HP

  67. Maruyama, S., Ikoma, M., Genda, H., Hirose, K., Yokoyama, T., and Santosh, M. (2013) The naked planet Earth: Most essential pre-requisite for the origin and evolution of life. Geoscience Frontiers 4, 141-165. / GF HP

  68. Genda, H., Kokubo, E., and Ida, S. (2012) Merging criteria for giant impacts of protoplanets. The Astrophysical Journal 744, 137(8pp). / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  69. Sekine, Y., and Genda, H. (2012) Giant impacts in the Saturnian System: a possible origin of diversity in the inner mid-sized satellites. Planetary and Space Science 63, 133-138. / PSS HP / astro-ph

  70. Hong, P. K., Sugita, S., Okamura, N., Sekine, Y., Terada, H., Takatoh, N., Hayano, Y., Fuse, T., Pyo, T., Kawakita, H., Wooden, D. H., Young, E. F., Lucey, P. G., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Haruyama, J., Furusho, R., Kadono, T., Nakamura, R., Kamata, S., Hamura, T., Sekiguchi, T., Soma, M., Noda, H., and Watanabe, J. (2011) A ground-based observation of the LCROSS impact events using the Subaru Telescope. Icarus 214, 21-29. / Icarus HP

  71. Sekine, Y., Genda, H., Sugita, S., Kadono, T., and Matsui, T. (2011) Replacement and late formation of atmospheric N2 on undifferentiated Titan by impacts. Nature Geoscience 4, 359-362. / Nature Geoscience HP

  72. Kokubo, E., and Genda, H. (2010) Formation of terrestrial planets from protoplanets under a realistic accretion condition. The Astrophysical Journal Letter 714, L21-L25. / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  73. Fukuzaki, S., Sekine, Y., Genda, H., Sugita, S., Kadono, T., and Matsui, T. (2010) Impact-induced N2 production from ammonium sulfate: Implications for the origin and evolution of N2 in Titan's atmosphere. Icarus 209, 715-722. / Icarus HP

  74. Genda, H., and Ikoma, M. (2008) Origin of the ocean on the Earth: Early evolution of water D/H in a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. Icarus 194, 42-52. / Icarus HP / astro-ph

  75. Ikoma, M., Guillot, T. Genda, H., Tanigawa, T., and Ida, S. (2006) On the origin of HD149026b. The Astrophysical Journal 650, 1150-1159. / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  76. Ikoma, M., and Genda, H. (2006) Constraints on the mass of a habitable planet with water of nebular origin. The Astrophysical Journal 648, 695-706. / ApJ HP / astro-ph

  77. Genda, H., and Abe, Y. (2005) Enhanced atmospheric loss on protoplanets at the giant impact phase in the presence of oceans. Nature 433, 842-844. / Nature HP

  78. Genda, H., and Abe, Y. (2003) Survival of a proto-atmosphere through the stage of giant impacts: the mechanical aspects. Icarus 164, 149-162. / Icarus HP

  79. Genda, H., and Abe, Y. (2003) Modification of a proto-lunar disk by hydrodynamic escape of silicate vapor. Earth Planets and Space 55, 53-57. / EPS HP


  1. 荒川創太、兵頭龍樹、庄司大悟、玄田英典 (2020) 太陽系外縁天体の衛星形成と潮汐進化、遊星人 29, 104-114. / 遊星人 HP

  2. 黒澤耕介、玄田英典、岡本 尚也、松井孝典 (2018) 火星隕石の放出過程、遊星人 27, 197-206. / 遊星人 HP

  3. 倉本圭、川勝康弘、藤本正樹、玄田英典、他19名 (2018) 太陽系ハビタブル惑星の成立を探る火星衛星探査計画MMX、遊星人 27, 207-215. / 遊星人 HP

  4. 兵頭龍樹、玄田英典 (2018) 火星衛星フォボスとデイモスの起源・進化の現状理解、遊星人 27, 216-223. / 遊星人 HP

  5. 兵頭龍樹、Sébastien Charnoz、大槻圭史、玄田英典 (2017) 多様な巨大惑星リングの形成過程について、遊星人 26, 82-91. / 遊星人 HP

  6. 玄田英典 (2015) SPH法による衝突数値計算、遊星人 24, 191-200. / 遊星人HP

  7. 黒澤耕介、千秋博紀、和田浩二、三上峻、平田成、鎌田俊一、石原吉明、玄田英典、中村昭子、高田淑子 (2014) iSALE shock physics code による数値衝突計算、遊星人 23, 103-110. / 遊星人HP

  8. 玄田英典 (2010) 徹底比較!月の起源、遊星人 13, 94-98. / 遊星人HP

  9. 倉本圭、玄田英典、荒井朋子、岡田達明、杉田精司 (2007) 月の熱進化の謎、遊星人 16, 197-207. / 遊星人HP

  10. 生駒大洋、玄田英典 (2006) 地球の海水の起源、地学雑誌 116, 196-210. / 地学雑誌HP

  11. 玄田英典、阿部豊 (2004) 地球型惑星の大気形成における巨大天体衝突の影響、遊星人 13, 94-98. / 遊星人HP


  1. Rosenblatt, P., Hyodo, R., Pignatale, F., Trinh, A., Charnoz, S., Dunseath, K. M., Dunseath-Terao, M., and Genda, H. (2020) The formation of the martian moons. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science. Oxford University Press. / Oxford Univ. Press / astro-ph

  2. Genda, H. (2019) Evolution of Early Atmosphere. In: Yamagishi, A., Kakegawa, T., Usui, T. (eds) Astrobiology. Springer, Singapore, pp 197-207. / Springer HP

  3. 「図説 地球科学の事典」(2018) の3項目を執筆(2.1 地球・月系の誕生と初期分化、2.2 冥王代地球の痕跡、9.1 太陽系内の惑星たち) / 朝倉書店 / amazon

  4. Genda, H. (2017) Giant impact hypothesis. In Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Ed. W. M. White. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. pp 1-4. / Springer

  5. 「系外惑星の事典」(2016) の4項目を執筆(恒星まわりのハビタブルゾーン、地球の大気・海の起源、ジャイアント・インパクト、地球型惑星の衛星) / 朝倉書店 / amazon

  6. 玄田英典 (2015) 宇宙生命論 Life in the Universe(編集:海部宣男, 星元紀, 丸山茂徳)3-3, 東京大学出版会 (ISBN: 978-4130627245) / 書籍詳細

  7. 玄田英典 (2008) シリーズ現代の天文学 第9巻「太陽系と惑星」(編集:渡部潤一, 井田茂, 佐々木晶)6章5節, 日本評論社 (ISBN: 978-4-535-60729-3) / 書籍詳細


  1. 玄田英典 (2024) もう一つの月世界へ:火星衛星探査計画MMX その6 〜火星衛星とMMXと私〜、遊星人 33, 332-335. / 遊星人 HP

  2. Kotani, T., Tamura, M., Nishikawa, J., Ueda, A., Kuzuhara, M., Omiya, M., Hashimoto, J., Ishizuka, M., Hirano, T., Suto, H., Kurokawa, T., Kokubo, T., Mori, T., Tanaka, Y., Kashiwagi, K., Konishi, M., Kudo, T., Sato, B., Jacobson, S., Hodapp, K.W., Hall, D.B., Aoki, W., Usuda, T., Nishiyama, S., Nakajima, T., Ikeda, Y., Yamamuro, T., Morino, J.-I., Baba, H., Hosokawa, K., Ishikawa, H., Narita, N., Kokubo, E., Hayano, Y., Izumiura, H., Kambe, E., Kusakabe, N., Kwon, J., Ikoma, M., Hori, Y., Genda, H., Fukui, A., Fujii, Y., Kawahara, H., Olivier, G., Jovanovic, N., Harakawa, H., Hayashi, M., Hidai, M., Machida, M., Matsuo, T., Nagata, T., Ogihara, M., Takami, H., Takato, N., Terada, H., Oh, IRD team (2018) The infrared Doppler (IRD) instrument for the Subaru telescope: Instrument description and commissioning results, Proceedings of the SPIE 10702, 1070211.

  3. 玄田英典 (2016) 火星衛星の起源 ーちっぽけな衛星が語る壮大な物語ー、日本地球惑星科学連合ニュースレター Vol. 12 No. 4, 6-8. / 連合HP

  4. 玄田英典 (2014) 水の惑星「地球」:最近の研究動向から, 科学, Vol.84 No.10, 1055-1057. / WEB

  5. Kotani, T., Tamura, M., Suto, H., Nishikawa, J., Sato, B., Aoki, W., Usuda, T., Kurokawa, T., Kashiwagi, K., Nishiyama, S., Ikeda, Y., Hall, D. B., Hodapp, K. W., Hashimoto, J., Morino, J.-I., Okuyama, Y., Tanaka, Y., Suzuki, S., Inoue, S., Kwon, J., Suenaga, T., Oh, D., Baba, H., Narita, N., Kokubo, E., Hayano, Y., Izumiura, H., Kambe, E., Kudo, T., Kusakabe, N., Ikoma, M., Hori, Y., Omiya, M., Genda, H., Fukui, A., Fujii, Y., Guyon, O., Harakawa, H., Hayashi, M., Hidai, M., Hirano, T., Kuzuhara, M., Machida, M., Matsuo, T., Nagata, T., Onuki, H., Ogihara, M., Takami, H., Takato, N., Takahashi, Y. H., Tachinami, C., Terada, H., Kawahara, H., and Yamamuro, T. (2014) Infrared Doppler instrument (IRD) for the Subaru telescope to search for Earth-like planets around nearby M-dwarfs, Proceedings of the SPIE 9147, 914714.

  6. Genda, H., Kobayashi, H., and Kokubo, E. (2014) Giant impacts and debris disks. Proceedings IAU Symposium 293, 270-272. / Cambridge Journals

  7. Kodama, T., Genda, H., Abe, Y., and Zahnle, K. (2014) Re-evaluation of the inner edge of habitable zone. Proceedings IAU Symposium 293, 323-325. / Cambridge Journals

  8. Takao, Y., Genda, H., Wakida, M., and Abe, Y. (2014) The complete evaporation limit of land planets. Proceedings IAU Symposium 293, 336-338. / Cambridge Journals

  9. 玄田英典 (2013) 『生命を育んだ惑星”地球”の起源と進化, 自然と科学の情報誌「milsil(ミルシル)」, Vol.6 No.5, 6-9. / WEB

  10. Tamura, M., Suto, H., Nishikawa, J., Kotani, T., Sato, B., Aoki, W., Usuda, T., Kurokawa, T., Kashiwagi, K., Nishiyama, S., Ikeda, Y., Hall, D., Hodapp, K., Hashimoto, J., Morino, J., Inoue, S., Mizuno, Y., Washizaki, Y., Tanaka, Y., Suzuki, S., Kwon, J., Suenaga, T., Oh, D., Narita, N., Kokubo, E., Hayano, Y., Izumiura, H., Kambe, E., Kudo, T., Kusakabe, N., Ikoma, M., Hori, Y., Omiya, M., Genda, H., Fukui, A., Fujii, Y., Guyon, O., Harakawa, H., Hayashi, M., Hidai, M., Hirano, T., Kuzuhara, M., Machida, M., Matsuo, T., Nagata, T., Ohnuki, H., Ogihara, M., Oshino, S., Suzuki, R., Takami, H., Takato, N., Takahashi, Y., Tachinami, C., and Terada, H. (2012) Infrared Doppler instrument for the Subaru telescope (IRD), Proceedings of the SPIE 8446, 84461T.

  11. 阿部豊、玄田英典 (2011) 地球の水は宇宙のどこからやってきたのか, 化学と工業, Vol.64 No.7, 540-541. / WEB

  12. Hidenori Genda, Eiichiro Kokubo and Shigeru Ida (2009) Giant impacts and terrestrial planet formation, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1158, 243-244.

  13. Miki Nakajima, Hidenori Genda and Shigeru Ida (2009) A Numerical Study of Collisions of Icy Bodies Using the SPH Method, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1158, 257-258.

  14. Genda, H., Ikoma, M., Guillot, T., and Ida, S. (2008) Formation of heavy element rich giant planets by giant impacts. In: Sun, Y.-S., Ferraz-Mello, S. and Zhou, J.-L. (Eds), Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, Proceedings IAU Symposium 249, 267-270. / Scanned pdf

  15. 玄田英典 (2007) "第2の地球"発見か!?, パリティ, Vol.22 No.8, 36-38. / WEB

  16. 玄田英典 (2005) 新発見の系外惑星は"スーパー地球"か (翻訳: B. Schwarzschild 著 "Three Newly Discovered Exoplnaets Have Masses Comparable to Neptune's"), パリティ, Vol.20 No.7, 40-44. / WEB

  17. Hidenori Genda and Yutaka Abe (2003) Hydrodynamic Escape of a Proto-atmosphere just after a Giant Impact, Proceedings of the 36nd ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 29-32.

  18. Yutaka Abe and Hidenori Genda (2003) A Mixed Proto-atmosphere During the Runaway accretion, Proceedings of the 36nd ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 25-28.

  19. Hidenori Genda and Yutaka Abe (2002) Escape of the Protoatmosphere by a Giant Impact, Proceedings of the 35nd ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 25-28.

  20. Hidenori Genda and Yutaka Abe (2000) Escape from an Impact-Generated Proto-Moon Disk, Proceedings of the 33nd ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 64-67.

  21. Hidenori Genda and Yutaka Abe (1999) Hydrodynamic Escape of Vapor from an Impact-Generated Disk, Proceedings of the 32nd ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 60-63.
