SAC Downloads


To save download time, I'm abandoning the previous practice of placing all versions in a single disk image. Find and download the version of your choice from the list. Note that not all versions are available in all variants (X/non-X, Intel/PPC). Ask if you need one that is not listed, or build it from source yourself. There is a glossary below if the selection info is too terse.

If your Mac won't let you install from unknown .dmg (disk image) files, temporarily turn off enforcement of this rule from the command line: sudo spctl --master-disable which will allow you to see and check "Anywhere" from the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy "General" menu. After installing, you might want to revert to the original protection level by re-enabling checks: sudo spctl --master-enable

MacSAC Release OS X Release
10.6-and newer 10.4-10.5 10.2-10.3
grh-116 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-115 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-114 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-113 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-112 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-111 M X+mac parallel M X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-110 X+mac parallel X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-109 X+mac parallel X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-108 X+mac parallel X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-107 X+mac parallel X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-106 X+mac parallel X+mac Intel X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-105 X+mac parallel X+mac
grh-104 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-103 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-102 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-101 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-100 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-99 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-98 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-97 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-96 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-95 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac Intel mac PPC X+mac
grh-94 Intel X+mac PPC X+mac PPC X+mac
grh-93 PPC X
grh-92 PPC X
grh-91 PPC X
grh-90 PPC X
grh-89 PPC X
grh-87 PPC X
grh-86 PPC X
grh-85 PPC X
grh-84 PPC X
grh-82 PPC X
grh-81 PPC X
grh-80 PPC X
grh-79 PPC X
grh-77 PPC X
grh-76 PPC X


MacOS X version 10.2 (Jaguar) or 10.3 (Panther). Also works on 10.4 if alternate install procedure used (see SAC 10.4 Install in disk image).
MacOS X version 10.4 (Tiger) and 10.5 (Leopard) releases.
MacOS X version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) releases and later -- Intel hardware only.
Power PC hardware.
Intel hardware.
Apple M-series (ARM) hardware.
Support for both X11 graphics and native Mac graphics.
Support for native Mac graphics ONLY. This means that you do NOT have to have X11 installed on your Mac in order to run SAC.
Support for X11 graphics only.
Support for parallel trace operations with OpenMP; sequential operations on traces, otherwise. OpenMP support provided within the SAC libraries and neither gfortran nor OpenMP need be installed on your computer -- at least that's the idea, so if OpenMP features don't work, report it as a bug!

Comments or complaints to

George Helffrich