廣瀬 敬 研究室
About Hirose Lab
Message from Kei Hirose
Hirose's profile
Hirose Laboratory, Earth and Planetary Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
About the Lab
What's New Publicationsに最新の論文情報を追加しました。(2015/10/26)
廣瀬 敬(Kei Hirose)
1968年 福島県生まれ
1994年 東京工業大学理学部助手。専門は高圧地球科学
(1996年~1998年 米カーネギー地球物理学研究所客員研究員)
1999年 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科助教授
2006年 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科教授
2012年 東京工業大学地球生命研究所(ELSI)所長・教授
2008年 日本学術振興会賞
2011年 日本学士院賞
加藤 千恵
森 祐子
田川 翔
森下 玲
木所 佑斗
中島 悠貴
マントル最下部層(図中の赤色の部分)がこれまで知られていなかったポストペロブスカイト相からなることが解明された(Murakami et. al. Science 2004)
ダイアモンドアンビルセル | 実体顕微鏡 | マニピュレータ付き顕微鏡
レーザーラマン測定装置 & CO2レーザー加熱装置 | YAG/YLFレーザー加熱装置 & レーザー加工器
電界放出型電子線マイクロアナライザ (FE-EPMA) | 透過型電子顕微鏡 (TEM)
高温高圧その場X線回折測定設備 @SPring-8 BLXU Beamline
クイックコーター | イオンスライサー | 冷凍機
152. Wentzcovitch, R., Umemoto, K., Kawamura, K., Hirose, K.,
Post-stishovite transition in hydrous aluminous SiO2,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 418, 11-19, 2015.
151. Tateno, S., Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.
The structure of Fe-Si alloy in Earth's inner core,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 418, 11-19, 2015.
150. Tatsumi, Y., Suzuki, T., Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Hanyu, T., Ohishi, Y.,
Accumulation of 'anti-continent' at the base of the mantle and its recycling in mantle plumes,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 143, 23-33, 2014.
149. Caracas, R., Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Ishii, H., Hiraoka, N., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Chemistry and Mineralogy of Earth's Mantle,
American Mineralogist, 99(7), 1270-1276, 2014.
148. Ohta, K., Yagi, T., Hirose, K.,
Thermal diffusivities of MgSiO3 and Al-bearing MgSiO3 perovskites,
American Mineralogist, 99(1), 94-97, 2014.
147. Umemoto, K., Hirose, K., Imada, S., Nakajima, Y., Komabayashi, T., Tsutsui, S., Baron, A. Q.,
Liquid iron-sulfur alloys at outer core conditions by first principles calculations,
Geophysical Research Letters, 41(19), 6712-6717, 2014.
146. Imada, S., Ohta, K., Yagi, T., Hirose, K., Yoshida, H., Nagahara, H.,
Measurements of lattice thermal conductivity of MgO to core mantle boundary pressures,
Geophysical Research Letters, 41(13), 4542-4547, 2014.
145. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Melting experiments on peridotite to lowermost mantle conditions,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(6), 4684-4694, 2014.
144. Nomura, R., Hirose, K., Uesugi, K., Ohishi, Y., Tsuchiyama, A., Miyake, A., Ueno, Y.
Low core-mantle boundary temperature inferred from the solidus of pyrolite,
Science, 343(6170), 522-525, 2014.
143. Kato, C., Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Ozawa, H., Ohishi, Y.,
NAL phase in K-rich portions of the lower mantle,
Geophysical Research Letters, 40(19), 5085-5088, 2013.
142. Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Suzuki, T., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Decomposition of Fe3S above 250 GPa,
Geophysical Research Letters, 40(18), 4845-4849, 2013.
141. Asahara, Y., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N., Ozawa, H., Murakami, M.,
Acoustic velocity measurement for stishovite across the post-stishovite phase transition under deviatoric stress: implication to the seismic feature of subducting slabs in the mid-mantle,
American Mineralogist, 98, 11-12, 2013.
140. Gomi, H., Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Labrosse, S., Caracas, R.,Verstraete, M.J., Hernlund, J.,
The high conductivity of iron and thermal evolution of the Earth's core,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 224, 88-103, 2013.
139. Hirose, K., Labrosse, S., Hernlund, J.,
Composition and state of the core,
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, in press.
138. Dai, L., Kudo, Y., Hirose, K., Murakami, M., Asahara, Y., Ozawa, H., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Sound velocities of Na0.4Mg0.6Al1.6Si0.4O4 NAL and CF phases to 73 GPa determined by Brillouin scattering method,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 195-201, DOI 10.1007/s00269-012-0558-0, 2013.
137. Hirose, K.,
High-Pressure, High-Temperature X-ray Diffraction Measurements and the Discovery of Post-Perovskite Phase Transition,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82, 021010, doi: 10.7566/JPSJ.82.021010, 2013.
136. Noguchi, M., Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
High-temperature compression experiments of CaSiO3 perovskite to lowermost mantle conditions and its thermal equation of state,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 81-91, DOI 10.1007/s00269-012-0549-1, 2013.
135. Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K.,
Iron partitioning in pyrolitic lower mantle,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 107-113, DOI 10.1007/s00269-012-0551-7, 2013.
134. Sugimura, E., Komabayashi, T., Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Dubrovinsky, L., Experimental evidence for superionic conduction in H2O ice,
Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 194505, 2012.
133. Kato, J., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
High-pressure experiments on phase transition boundaries between corundum, Rh2O3(II) and CaIrO3-type structures in Al2O3,
American Mineralogist, in press.
132. Kudo, Y., Hirose, K., Murakami, M., Asahara, Y., Ozawa, H., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Sound velocity measurements of CaSiO3 perovskite to 133 GPa and implications for lowermost mantle seismic anomalies,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349/350, 1-7, 2012.
131. Ohta, K., Yagi, T., Taketoshi, N., Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Baba, T., Ohishi, Y., Hernlund, J.,
Lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite at the core-mantle boundary,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349/350, 109-115, 2012.
130. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Ozawa, H., Ohishi, Y.,
The structure of Fe-Ni alloy in Earth's inner core,
Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L12305, doi:10.1029/2012GL052103, 2012.
129. Imada, S., Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Suzuki, T., Ohishi, Y.,
Compression of Na0.4Mg0.6Al1.6Si0.4O4 the NAL and Ca-ferrite type phases,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, DOI 10.1007/s00269-012-0508-x, 2012.
128. Murakami, M., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N., Hirose, K.,
A perovskititic lower mantle inferred from high pressure and temperature sound velocity data,
Nature, 485, 90-94, doi:10.1038nature11004, 2012.
127. Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
In-situ X-ray diffraction measurements of the fcc-hcp phase transition boundary of an Fe-Ni alloy in an internally-heated diamond anvil cell,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 329-338, doi: 10.1007/s00269-012-0490-3, 2012.
126. Ohta, K., Cohen, R. E., Hirose, K., Haule, K., Shimizu, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Experimental and theoretical evidence for pressure-induced metallization in FeO with rocksalt-type structure,
Physical Review Letters, 108, 026403, 2012.
125. Yamanaka, T., Hirose, K., Mao, W. L., Meng, Y., Ganesh, P., Shulenburger, L., Shen, G., Hemley, R. J.,
Crystal structures of (Mg1-x,Fex)SiO3 post-perovskite at high pressures,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 109, 1035-1040, doi:10.1073/pnas.1118076108, 2012.
124. Ozawa, H., Takahashi, F., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Phase transition in FeO and stratification in Earth's outer core,
Science, 334, 792-794, 2011.
123. Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Ishii, H., Hiraoka, N., Ohishi, Y., Seto, Y.,
Spin crossover, structural change, and metallization in FeO with NiAs-type structure,
Physical Review B, 84, 134417, 2011.
122. Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Pressure-induced structural evolution of pyrite-type SiO2,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 591-597, doi:10.1007/s00269-011-0431-6 (2011).
121. Imada, S., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Stabilities of NAL and Ca-ferrite-type phases on the join NaAlSiO4-MgAl2O4 at high pressure,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 557-560, doi:10.1007/s00269-011-0427-2 (2011).
120. Nakajima, Y., Takahashi, E., Sata, N., Nishihara, Y., Hirose, K., Funakoshi, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Thermoelastic property and high-pressure stability of Fe7C3: Implication for iron-carbide in the Earth's core,
American Mineralogist, 96, 1158-1165 (2011).
119. Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K., Muto, S., Ohishi, Y., Yasuhara, A.,
The valence state and partitioning of iron in Earth's lowermost mantle,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B07205, doi:10.1029/2010JB008179 (2011).
118. Nomura, R., Ozawa, H., Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Hernlund, J., Muto, S., Ishii, H., Hiraoka, N.,
Spin crossover and iron-rich silicate melt in the Earth's deep mantle,
Nature, 473, 199-202, doi:10.1038/nature09940 (2011).
117. Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Shimizu, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Experimental evidence for metal FeO with normal NiAs-type structure,
Physical Review B, 82, 174120 (2010).
116. 佐多永吉、廣瀬敬、松井正典、平尾直久、
115. Asahara, Y., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Thermoelastic properties of ice VII and its high-pressure polymorphs: Implications for dynamics of cold slab subduction in the lower mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 299, 474-482 (2010).
114. Hirose, K., Nagaya, Y., Merkel, S., Ohishi, Y.,
Deformation of MnGeO3 post-perovskite at lower mantle pressure and temperature,
Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L20302, doi:10.1029/2010GL044977 (2010).
113. Sugimura, E., Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y., Dubrovinsky, L. S.,
Simultaneous high-pressure and -temperature volume measurements of ice VII and its thermal equation of state,
Physical Review B, 82, 134103 (2010).
112. Yagi, T., Ohta, K., Kobayashi, K., Taketoshi, N., Hirose, K., Baba, T.,
Thermal diffusivity measurement in diamond anvil cell using light pulse thermoreflectance technique,
Measurement Science and Technology, 22, 024011 (2011).
111. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y., Tatsumi, Y.,
The structure of iron in Earth's inner core,
Science, 330, 359-361 (2010).
110. Nomura, R., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Precise determination of post-stishovite phase transition boundary and implications for seismic heterogeneities in the mid-lower mantle,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 183, 104-109 (2010).
109. Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Sugimura, E., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
High-temperature compression of ferropericlase and the effect of temperature on iron spin transition,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 691-699 (2010).
108. Hirose, K.,
The Earth's missing ingredient,
Scientific American, June issue, 32-37, 2010.
107. Sata, N., Hirose, K., Shen, G., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
Compression of FeSi, Fe3C, Fe0.95O, and FeS under the core pressures and implication for light element in the Earth's core,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B09204, doi:10.1029/2009JB006975 (2010).
106. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Structural distortion of CaSnO3 perovskite under pressure and the quenchable post-perovskite phase as a low-pressure analogue to MgSiO3,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 181, 54-59 (2010).
105. Hirose, K.,
Deep mantle properties,
Science, 327, 151-152, 2010.
104. Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Shimizu, K.,
The electrical resistance measurements of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and implications for iron spin transition,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 180, 154-158, 2010.
103. Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Shimizu, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Electrical conductivities of pyrolitic mantle and MORB materials up to the lowermost mantle conditions,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 497-502, 2010.
102. Asahara, Y., Murakami, M., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N., Hirose, K.,
Sound velocity measurement in liquid water up to 25 GPa and 900 K: Implications for densities of water at lower mantle conditions,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 479-485, 2010.
101. Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K.,
The Soret effect in laser-heated diamond-anvil cell,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 180, 172-178, 2010.
100. Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Tateno, S., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase transition boundary between B1 and B8 structures of FeO up to 210 GPa,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 179, 157-163, 2010.
99. Yamamoto, S., Komiya, T., Hirose, K., Maruyama, S.,
Coesite and clinopyroxene exsolution lamellae in chromites: In-situ ultrahigh-pressure evidence from podiform chromitites in the Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet,
Lithos, 109, 314-322, 2009.
98. Kuwayama, Y., Sawai, T., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase relations of iron-silicon alloys at high pressure and high temperature,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36, 511-518, DOI 10.1007/s00269-009-0296-0, 2009.
97. 廣瀬敬、
96. Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Mitome, M., Bando, Y., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Experimental study of reaction between perovskite and molten iron to 146 GPa and implications for chemical equilibrium at the core-mantle boundary,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36, 355-363, 2009.
95. Fukao, Y., Obayashi, M., Nakakuki, T., and the Deep Slab Project Group (Utada, H., Suetsugu, D., Irifune, T., Ohtani, E., Yoshioka, S., Shiobara, H., Kanazawa, T., and Hirose, K.), Stagnant slab: A review,
Annual Review of the Earth and Planetary Science, 37, 19-46, 2009.
94. Tateno, S., Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K., Nishioka, H.,
The advanced ion-milling method for preparation of thin film using Ion Slicer: Application to a sample recovered from diamond-anvil cell,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 013901, 2009.
93. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Determination of post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 up to 4400 K and implications for thermal structure at the base of the mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 130-136, 2009.
92. Murakami, M., Ohishi, Y. Hirao, N., Hirose, K.,
Elasticity of MgO to 130 GPa: Implications for lower mantle mineralogy,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 123-129, 2009.
91. Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K., Nishio-Hamane, D., Seto, Y., Fujino, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Partitioning of iron between perovskite/post-perovskite and ferropericlase in the lower mantle,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B11204, doi:10.1029/2008JB005730, 2008.
90. Murakami, M., Asahara, Y., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N., Hirose, K.,
Development of in-situ Brillouin spectroscopy at high pressure and temperature with synchrotron radiation and infrared laser heating system: Application to the Earth's deep interior,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 174, 282-291, 2009.
89. 太田健二、廣瀬敬、新名良介、小野田朱々江、清水克哉、
88. Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase relations of iron and iron-nickel alloys up to 300 GPa; Implications for the composition and the structure of the Earth's inner core,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 273, 379-385, 2008.
87. Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N., Sata, N., Hirose, K., Takata, M.,
Highly intense monochromatic X-ray diffraction facility for high-pressure research at SPring-8,
High Pressure Research, 28, 163-173, 2008.
86. Sinmyo, R., Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Yasuhara, A., Endo, N.,
Ferric iron content in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite in the deep lower mantle conditions,
American Mineralogist, 93, 1899-1902, 2008.
85. Hirose, K., Takafuji, N., Fujino, K., Shieh, S. R., Duffy, T. S.,
Iron partitioning between perovskite and post-perovskite: A transmission electron microscope study,
American Mineralogist, 93, 1678-1681, 2008.
84. Sugimura, E., Iitaka, T., Hirose, K., Kawamura, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
The compression of H2O ice to 126 GPa and implications for hydrogen-bond symmetrization: Synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements and density-functional calculations,
Physical Review B, 77, 214103, 2008.
83. Wu, Z., R. Wentzcovitch, K. Umemoto, Li, B., Hirose, K., Zheng, J,
PVT relations in MgO: an ultra-high P-T scale for planetary science applications,
Journal Geophysical Research, 113, B06204, doi:10.1029/2007JB005275, 2008.
82. Hirose, K., Sata, N., Komabayashi, T., Ohishi, Y.,
Simultaneous volume measurements of Au and MgO to 140 GPa and thermal equation of state of Au based on MgO pressure scale,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 167, 149-154, 2008.
81. Hirose, K., Lay, T.,
Discovery of post-perovskite phase transition and new views on the core-mantle boundary region,
Elements, 4, 183-189, 2008.
80. Ohta, K., Onoda, S., Hirose, K., Sinmyo, R., Shimizu, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y., Yasuhara, A.,
The electrical conductivity of post-perovskite in Earth's D" layer,
Science, 320, 89-91, 2008.
79. Ozawa, H., Hirose, K., Mitome, M., Bando, Y., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Chemical equilibrium between ferropericlase and molten iron to 134 GPa and implications for iron content at the bottom of the mantle,
Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L05308, doi:10.1029/2007GL032648, 2008.
78. Ishibashi, K., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Dissociation of CAS phase in the uppermost lower mantle,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 35, 197-200, 2008.
77. Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Lay, T., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase transitions in pyrolite and MORB at lowermost mantle conditions: Implications for a MORB-rich pile above the core-mantle boundary,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267, 107-117, 2008.
76. Sata, N., Ohfuji, H., Hirose, K., Kobayashi, H., Ohishi, Y., Hirao, N.,
New high-pressure B2 phase of FeS above 180 GPa,
American Mineralogist, 93, 492-494, 2008.
75. Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Sugimura, E. Sata, N., Ohishi, Y, Dubrovinsky, L.,
Simultaneous volume measurements of perovskite and post-perovskite in MgSiO3 and their thermal equations of state,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 265, 515-524, 2008.
74. Hirose, K.,
Discovery of post-perovskite phase transition and the nature of D" layer, in Post-perovskite:
The Last Mantle Phase Transition, edited by K. Hirose, J. Brodholt, T. Lay and D. Yuen, AGU monograph, Ser. 174, 19-35, 2007.
73. Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y, Dubrovinsky, L.,
Phase transition of CaSiO3 perovskite,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260, 564-569, 2007.
72. Murakami, M., Sinogeikin, S., Bass, J., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y., Hirose, K.,
Sound velocity of MgSiO3 post-perovskite phase: A constraint on the D" discontinuity,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259, 18-23, 2007.
71. Ohta, K., Hirose, K., Onoda, S., Shimizu, K.,
The effect of iron spin transition on electrical conductivity of (Mg,Fe)O magnesiow?stite,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B., 83, 97-100, 2007.
70. Ohfuji, H., Sata, N., Kobayashi, H., Ohishi, Y., Hirose, K., Irifune, T.,
A new high-pressure and high-temperature polymorph of FeS,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 10.1007/s00269-007-0151-0, 2007.
69. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
High solubility of FeO in perovskite and the post-perovskite phase transition,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 160, 319-325, 2007.
68. Hirose, K.,
Post-perovskite phase transition and the nature of D" layer, Superplumes:
Beyond Plate Tectonics, edited by D. A. Yuen, S. Maruyama, S. Karato, and B. F. Windley, Springer, pp. 69-82, 2007.
67. 廣瀬敬、
66. Hirose, K., Kawamura, K.,
Discovery of post-perovskite phase transition and implications for the nature of D" layer of the mantle,
Advances in High-Pressure Mineralogy, edited by E. Ohtani, GSA Memoir Special paper, 421, 37-46, 2007.
65. Hirose, K.,
Postperovskite phase transition and its geophysical implications,
Reviews of Geophysics, 44, RG3001, doi:101029/2005RG000186, 2006.
64. Sinmyo, R., Hirose, K., O'Neill, H.St.C., Okunishi, E.,
Ferric iron in Al-bearing post-perovskite,
Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L12S13, doi:10.1029/2006GL025858, 2006.
63. 廣瀬敬、
62. 廣瀬敬、
61. 廣瀬敬、
60. Hirose, K., Karato, S., Cormier, V., Brodholt, J., Yuen, D.,
Unsolved problems in the lowermost mantle,
Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L12S01, doi:10.1029/2006GL025691, 2006.
59. Shieh, S., Duffy, T., Kubo, A., Shen, G., Prakapenka, V., Sata, N., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Equation of state of the post-perovskite phase synthesized from a natural (Mg,Fe)SiO3 orthopyroxene,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 103, 3039-3043, 2006.
58. Hirose, K., Sinmyo, R., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Determination of post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 using Au and MgO internal pressure standards,
Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L01310, doi:10.1029/2005GL024468, 2006.
57. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
High-pressure behavior of MnGeO3 and CdGeO3 and the post-perovskite phase transition,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 32, 721-725, 2006.
56. 廣瀬敬、
55. 廣瀬敬、
54. Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
The pyrite-type high-pressure form of silica,
Science, 309, 923-925, 2005.
53. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase relations in Mg3Al2Si3O12 to 180 GPa: Effect of Al on post-perovskite phase transition,
Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L15306, doi:10.1029/2005GL023309, 2005.
52. Hirose, K., Takafuji, N., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase transition and density of subducted MORB crust in the lower mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237, 239-251, 2005.
51. Komabayashi, T., Hirose, K., Funakoshi, K.,
In-situ X-ray measurements on the phase relation of antigorite (serpentine): implications for water transportation by slab peridotite into the deep interior,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 151, 276-289, 2005.
50. Hirose, K., Y. Fujita,
Clapeyron slope of the post-perovskite phase transition boundary in CaIrO3,
Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L13313, doi:10.1029/2005GL023219, 2005.
49. Takafuji, N., Hirose, K., Mitome, M., Bando, Y.,
Solubilities of O and Si in liquid iron in equilibrium with (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and the light elements in the core,
Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L06313, doi:10.1029/2005GL022773, 2005.
48. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Post-perovskite phase transition and crystal chemistry in the pyrolitic lowermost mantle,
Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L03304, doi:10.1029/2004GL021956, 2005.
47. 廣瀬敬・河村雄行、
46. 廣瀬敬、
45. Hirose, K., Kawamura, K., Tateno, S., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Stability and equation of state of MgGeO3 post-perovskite phase,
American Mienralogist, 90, 262-265, 2005.
44. 廣瀬敬、
43. 廣瀬敬・河村雄行、
42. Takafuji, N., Hirose, K., Ono, S., Xu, F., Mitome, M., Bando, Y.,
Segregation of core melts by permeable flow in the lower mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224, 249-257, 2004.
41. Iitaka, T., Hirose, K., Kawamura, K., Murakami, M.,
The elasticity of MgSiO3 post-perovskite phase at the Earth's lowermost mantle,
Nature, 430, 442-445, 2004.
40. Fei, Y., Li, J., Hirose, K., Minarik, W., Van Orman, J., Sanloup, C., van Westrenen, W., Komabayashi, T., Funakoshi, K.,
A critical evaluation of pressure scales at high temperatures by in-situ X-ray diffraction measurements,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 143-144, 515-526, 2004.
39. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Ono, S., Isshiki, M., Watanuki, T.,
High pressure and high temperature phase transitions of FeO,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146, 273-282, 2004.
38. Hirose, K., Shimizu, N., van Westrenen, W., Fei, Y.,
Trace element partitioning in Earth's lower mantle and implications for the geochemical consequences of partial melting at the core-mantle boundary,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146, 249-260, 2004.
37. Kurashina, T., Hirose, K., Ono, S., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase transition in Al-bearing CaSiO3-rich perovskite: implications for seismic discontinuities in the lower mantle,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 145, 67-74, 2004.
36. Miyazaki, A., Hiyagon, H., Sugiura, N., Hirose, K., Takahashi, E.,
Solubilities of nitrogen and noble gases in silicate melts under various oxygen fugacities: implications for the origin and degassing history of nitrogen and noble gases in the Earth,
Geochimica Cosmochimica et Acta, 68, 387-401, 2004.
35. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Kawamura, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.,
Post-perovskite phase transition in MgSiO3,
Science, 304, 855-858, 2004.
34. Fei, Y., Van Orman, J., Li, J., van Westrenen, W., Sanloup, C., Minarik, W., Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Walter, M., Funakoshi, K.,
In situ X-ray diffraction measurements of the post-spinel transition boundary in Mg2SiO4 by multiple internal pressure standards,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, doi:10.1029/2003JB002562, 2004.
33. Isshiki, M., Irifune, T., Hirose, K., Ono, S., Ohishi, Y., Watanuki, T., Nishibori, E., Sakata, M.,
Stability of magnesite and its new high-pressure form in the lower mantle,
Nature, 427, 60-62, 2004.
32. Katayama, I., Hirose, K., Yurimoto, H., Nakashima, S.,
Water solubility in majoritic garnet in MORB composition at the mantle transition zone,
Geophysical Research Letters, 30, doi:10.1029/2003GL018127, 2003.
31. Ono, S., Tsuchiya, T., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
Phase transition between the CaCl2-type and a-PbO2-type structures of germanium dioxide,
Physical Reviews B, 68, 134108, 2003.
30. Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K.,
Phase relations in the system Fe-FeSi at 21 GPa,
American Mineralogist, 89, 273-276, 2004.
29. Ono, S., Tsuchiya, T., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y.,
New high-pressure form of pyrite-type germanium dioxide,
Physical Reviews B, 68, 014103, 2003
28. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Ono, S., Ohishi, Y.,
Stability of CaCl2-type and a-PbO2-type SiO2 determined by in situ X-ray observations,
Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 1207, 10.1029/2002GL016722, 2003.
27. Ono, S., Hirose, K., Isshiki, M., Mibe, K., Saito, Y.,
Equation of state of hexagonal aluminous phase of natural composition to 63 GPa at 300K,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29, 527-531, 2002.
26. Ono, S., Hirose, K., Kikegawa, T., Saito, Y.,
The compressibility of a natural composition calcium ferrite-type aluminous phase to 70 GPa,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 131, 311-318, 2002.
25. Ono, S., Suto, T., Hirose, K., Kuwayama, Y., Komabayashi, T. & Kikegawa, T.,
Equation of state of Al-bearing stishovite to 40 GPa at 300K,
American Mineralogist, 87, 1486-1489, 2002.
24. Hirose, K., Fei, Y.,
Subsolidus and melting phase relations of basaltic composition in the uppermost lower mantle,
Geochimica Cosmochimica et Acta, 66, 2099-2108, 2002.
23. Hirose, K.,
Phase transitions in pyrolitic mantle around 670-km depth: implications for upwelling of plumes from the lower mantle,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 10.1029/2001JB000597, 2002.
22. Ono, S., Hirose, K., Murakami, M., Isshiki, M.,
Post-stishovite phase boundary in SiO2 determined by in situ X-ray determination,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 197, 187-192, 2002.
21. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Yurimoto, H., Nakashima, S., Takafuji, N.,
Water in Earth's lower mantle,
Science, 295, 1885-1887, 2002.
20. Ono, S., Hirose, K., Nishiyama N., Isshiki, M.,
Phase boundary between rutile-type and CaCl2-type germanium dioxide determined by in situ X-ray observations,
American Mineralogist, 87, 99-102, 2002.
19. Li, J., Fei, Y., Mao, H., Hirose, K., Shieh, S.,
Sulfur in the Earth's inner core,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 193, 509-514, 2001.
18. Hirose, K., Komabayashi, T., Murakami, M., Funakoshi, K.,
In situ measurements of the majorite-akimotoite-perovskite phase transition boundaries in MgSiO3,
Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4351-4354, 2001.
17. Shimizu, K., Komiya, T., Hirose, K., Shimizu, N., Maruyama, S.,
Cr-spinel, an excellent micro-container for retaining primitive melts - implications for a hydrous plume origin for komatiites,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 189, 177-188, 2001.
16. Miyajima, N., Yagi, T., Hirose, K., Kondo, T., Fujino, K., Miura, H.,
Potential host phase of aluminum and potassium in the Earth's lower mantle,
American Mineralogist, 86, 740-746, 2001.
15. Hirose, K., Fei, Y., Ono, S., Yagi, T., Funakoshi, K.,
In situ measurements of the phase transition boundary in Mg3Al2Si3O12: implicationts for the nature of the seismic discontinuities in the Earth's mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 184, 567-573, 2001.
14. Hirose, K., Fei, Y., Ma, Y., Mao, H.,
The fate of subducted basaltic crust in the Earth's lower mantle,
Nature, 397, 53-56, 1999.
13. Kogiso, T., Hirose, K.,., Takahashi, T.,
Melting experiments on homogeneous mixtures of peridotite and basalt: Application to the genesis of ocean island basalts,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 162, 45-61, 1998.
12. Hirose, K., Kushiro, I.,
The effect of melt segregation on polybaric mantle melting: estimation from the incremental melting experiments,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 107, 111-118, 1998.
11. Hirose, K.,
Partial melt compositions of carbonated peridotite at 3 GPa and genesis of alkali basalt magmas,
Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 2837-2840, 1997.
10. Peate, D., Pearce, J., Hawkesworth, C., Colley, H., Edwards, C., Hirose, K.,
Geochemical variations in Vanuatu arc lavas: the role of subducted material and a variable mantle wedge composition,
Journal of Petrology, 38, 1331-1358, 1997.
9. 廣瀬・久城、
8. Hirose, K.,
Melting experiments on lherzolite KLB-1 under hydrous conditions and generation of high-magnesian andesitic melts,
Geology, 25, 42-44, 1997.
7. Hirose, K., Kawamoto, T.,
Hydrous partial melting of lherzolite at 1GPa: the effect of H2O on the genesis of basaltic magmas,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 133, 463-473, 1995.
6. Kawamoto, T., Hirose, K.,
Au-Pd sample containers for melting experiments on iron and H2O bearing systems,
European Journal of Mineralogy, 6, 381-385, 1994.
5. Hirose, K., Kawamura, K.,
A new experimental approach for incremental batch melting of peridotite at 1.5 GPa,
Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 2139-214, 1994.
4. Nohara, M., Hirose, K., Eissen, J., Urabe, T., Joshima, M.,
The North Fiji Basin basalts and their magma sources; Part II Sr-Nd isotopic and trace element constraints,
Marine Geology, 116, 179-195, 1994.
3. Eissen, J., Nohara, M., Cotton, T., Hirose, K.,
North Fiji Basin basalts and their magma sources; Part I incompatible element constraints,
Marine Geology, 116, 153-178, 1994.
2. Hirose, K., Kushiro, I.,
Partial melting of dry peridotites at high pressures; determination of compositions of melts segregated from peridotite using aggregates of diamond,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 114, 477-489, 1993.
1. Kushiro, I., Hirose, K.,
Experimental determination of composition of melt formed by equilibrium partial melting of peridotite at high pressures using aggregates of diamond grains,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 68, 63-68, 1992.
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Hirose Laboratory, Earth and Planetary Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology | Updated March 1, 2010