Personal Information|
Dr. Ryuki Hyodo / 兵頭龍樹, Ph.D. (2016)
- - Tokyo University of Science / 東京科学大学(旧・東京工業大学)
- - Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) / パリ大学・地球物理研究所
- - SpaceDATA
- - Galaxies, Inc.
My latest curriculum vitae (CV) is available HERE (updated 2021/3/30)
2023 「S-Booster 最優秀賞」&「S-Booster NEDO賞」, S-Booster 2023
2023 「立教大学教育活動特別賞」, Rikkyo University
2022 「JAXA理事長賞 / President Award」, JAXA
2022 「最優秀研究者賞 / Outstanding Young Scientist Award」, The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences (JSPS)
2019 「JAXA理事長賞 / President Award」, JAXA
2017 「学長賞 / The President Award」, Kobe University
2016 「最優秀発表賞 / Best Research Presentation Award」, The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences (JSPS)
2016 「学長賞 / The President Award」, Kobe University
FY2024-FY2025 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化), 「進化する原始惑星系円盤における微惑星形成の理論研究:内惑星領域から外惑星領域まで」, 12,000,000 JPY (PI)
FY2022-FY2025 科学研究費補助金 若手研究, 「進化する原始惑星系円盤における微惑星形成の理論研究」, 3,600,000 JPY (PI)
FY2021-FY2025 科学研究費補助金 基盤A, 「岩石・氷・ガス惑星の衛星形成の総合的モデル:太陽系、系外惑星系」, 32,100,000 JPY (Co-PI)
FY2021-FY2025 科学研究費補助金 基盤A, 「火星衛星の形成過程を解明する」, 32,100,000 JPY (Co-PI)
FY2020-FY2025 国際共同研究加速基金 (国際共同研究強化(B)), 「火星衛星の形成過程を解明する」, 18,720,000 JPY (Co-PI)
FY2019-FY2024 JAXA ITYF Program Incentives, 12,500,000 JPY (PI)
FY2018-FY2021 科学研究費補助金 若手研究, 「多様な地球型惑星が持つ衛星系の起源・進化の統一的理解に向けた理論研究」, 4,160,000 JPY (PI)
FY2017-FY2018 学振(二国間交流事業)・SAKURAプログラム, 「地球型惑星における巨大天体衝突と衛星形成過程の解明」, 1,900,000 JPY (Co-PI)
FY2017-FY2017 NINS・ABC Project / NINS・ABCプロジェクト,「巨大天体衝突による連惑星形成の可能性について」, 2,100,000 JPY (Co-PI)
FY2017-FY2019 JSPS Research Fellow / 特別研究員奨励費 (PD), 「多様なリング-衛星系の起源・進化の統一的理解に向けた理論研究」, 4,810,000 JPY (PI)
FY2015-FY2016 JSPS Research Fellow / 特別研究員奨励費 (DC2),「惑星が持つ衛星-リング系の多様性:その起源と進化の理論的研究」, 1,900,000 JPY (PI)
Rikkyo University (立教大学), 全学共通科目(全カリ)「地球の理解」
-- 2020年度前期, 2021年度前期, 2022年度前期, 2023年度前期 --
Refereed Publications|
45 publications (22 as the first author)
7 publications in Nature / Science publishing group (4 as the first author)
[45] Alliber L., Siebert J., Hyodo R., Genda H., Raymond S., Jacobson S., Nakajima M., Charnoz S. (2024). "Collisional erosion of mantle silicate during accretion can set the elevated Fe/Mg ratio of Earth". Icarus 429, 15
      Icarus 429, 15
[44] Hyodo R., Genda H., Madeira G. (2024). "Pollution resistance of Saturn's ring particles during micrometeoroid impact". Nature Geoscience 1-6
      Nature Geoscience 1-6
[43] Hirata K., Usui T., Hyodo R. et al. (2024). "Mixing model of Phobos’ bulk elemental composition for the determination of its origin: Multivariate analysis of MMX/MEGANE data". Icarus 410, 115891
  Icarus 410, 115891
[42] Madeira G., Charnoz S., Zhang Y., Hyodo R., Michel P., Genda H., Winter S.G. (2023). "Exploring the recycling model of Phobos formation: rubble-pile satellites". AJ 165, 161
  AJ 165 161
[41] Madeira G., Charnoz S. & Hyodo R. (2023). "Dynamical origin of Dimorphos from fast spinning Didymos". Icarus 394, 115428
  Icarus 394, 115428
[40] Okuya A., Ida S., Hyodo R., & Okuzumi S. (2023). "Modelling the evolution of silicate/volatile accretion discs around white dwarfs". MNRAS 519, 1657
  MNRAS 519, 1657
[39] Liang Y. & Hyodo R. (2023). "Giga-year dynamical evolution of particles around Mars". Icarus 391, 115335
  Icarus, 391, 115335
[38] Hyodo R. and Sugiura, K. (2022). "Formation of moons and equatorial ridge around top-shaped asteroids after surface landslide". ApJL, 937, L36
  ApJL, 937, L36
[37] Nakamura T., Matsumoto M., Amano K., et al. (inc.Hyodo, R.) (2022). "Formation and evolution of Cb-type asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples". Science 379, eabn8671
      Science 379, eabn8671
[36] Hyodo R., Genda H., Sekiguchi R., Madeira G., Charnoz S. (2022). "Challenges in forming Phobos and Deimos directly from a splitting of an ancestral single moon". Planet. Sci. J. 3, 204
  PSJ, 3, 204
[35] Ozaki N., Yanagida K., Chikazawa T., Takeishi N. & Hyodo R. (2022). "Asteroid Flyby Cycler Trajectory Design Using Deep Neural Networks". JGCD, 0 0:0, 1-16
  JGCD, 0 0:0, 1-16
[34] Hyodo R., Ida S., Guillot T. (2022). "A "no-drift" runaway pile-up of pebbles in protoplanetary disks II. Characteristics of the resulting planetesimal belt". A&A, 660, A117
  A&A, 660, A117
[33] Barucci M.A., Reess J.M., Bernardi P., et al. (inc.Hyodo, R.) (2021). "MIRS: an imaging spectrometer for the MMX mission". Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 211
      Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 211
[32] Hyodo R. & Usui T. (2021). "Searching for life in Mars and its moons". Science 373, 742
      Science 373, 742
[31] Arakawa S., Hyodo R., Shoji D. & Genda H. (2021). "Tidal evolution of the eccentric moon around dwarf planet (225088) Gonggong". AJ, 162, 226
  AJ 162 226
[30] Hyodo R. & Genda H. (2021). "Erosion and accretion by cratering impacts on rocky and icy bodies". ApJ, 913, 77
  ApJ, 913, 77
[29] Charnoz S., Avice G., Hyodo R., Pignatale F.C., & Chaussidon M. (2021). "Forming pressure-traps at the snow-line to isolate isotopic reservoirs in the absence of a planet". A&A, 652, A35
  A&A, 652, A35
[28] Sugiura K., Kobayashi H., Watanabe S., Genda, H., Hyodo R. & Inutsuka S. (2021). "SPH simulations for shape deformation of rubble-Pile asteroids through spinup: the challenge for making top-shaped asteroids Ryugu and Benue". Icarus, 365, 114505
  Icarus, 365, 114505
[27] Charnoz S., Sossi A.P., Lee YN., Siebert J., Hyodo R., Allibert L., Pignatale FC., Landeau M., Oza A.V. & Moynier F. (2021). "Tidal pull of the Earth strips the proto-Moon of its volatiles". Icarus, 364, 114451
  Icarus, 364, 114451
[26] Hyodo R., Ida S., Guillot T. (2021). "A "no-drift" runaway pile-up of pebbles in protoplanetary disks in which midplane turbulence increases with radius". A&A, 645, L9
  A&A, 645, L9
[25] Hyodo R., Guillot T., Ida S., Okuzumi S. and Youdin A. (2021). "Planetesimal formation around the snow line. II. Dust or pebbles?". A&A, 646, A14
  A&A, 646, A14
[24] Ida S., Guillot T., Hyodo R., Okuzumi S. and Youdin A. (2021). "Planetesimal formation around the snow line. I. Monte Carlo simulations of silicate dust pile-up in a turbulent disk". A&A, 646, A13
  A&A, 646, A13
[23] Hyodo, R., Genda, H. & Brasser, R. (2021). "Modification of the composition and density of Mercury from late accretion". Icarus, 354, 114064
[22] Hyodo, R. & Genda, H. (2020). "Escape and accretion by cratering impacts: Formulation of scaling relations for high-speed ejecta". ApJ, 898, 30
  ApJ, 898, 30
[21] Rothery D., Massironi M., Alemanno G., et al. (inc.Hyodo, R.) (2020). "Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury's Surface and Composition". Space Science Reviews 216, 66
     Space Science Reviews 216, 66
[20] Rosenblatt P., Hyodo R., Pignatale F., Charnoz S., Trinh A., Dunseath-Terao M., Dunseath K.M., Genda H. (2020). “The formation of the Martian moons”, Oxford Science Encyclopedia
  Oxford Science Encyclopedia
[19] Hyodo, R., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Usui, T. & Fujita, K. (2019). "Transport of impact ejecta from Mars to its moons as a means to reveal Martian history", Scientific Reports 9, 19833
  Scientifc Reports 9, 19833
[18] Fujita, K., Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Hyodo, R., Matsuyama, S., Yamagishi, A., Mikouchi, T., and Niihara, T. (2019). "Assessment of microbial contamination probability for sample return from martian moons I: The departure of the microbes from Martian surface". Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 73-84
  Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 73-84
[17] Hyodo, R., Ida, S., Charnoz, S. (2019). "Formation of rocky and icy planetesimals inside and outside the snow lin: Effects of diffusion, sublimation and back-reaction". A&A, A90, 13
  A&A, A90, 13
[16] Kurosawa, K., Genda, H., Hyodo, R., Yamagishi, A., Mikouchi, T., Niihara, T., Matsuyama, S. and Fujita, K. (2019). "Assessment of the probability of microbial contamination for sample return from Martian moons II: The fate of microbes on Martian moons". Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 85-100
  Life Sciences in Space Research 23, 85-100
[15] Arakawa, S., Hyodo, R., Genda, H. (2019). "Early formation of moons around large trans Neptunian objects via giant impact". Nature Astronomy, 3, 802-807
  Nature Astronomy, 3, 802-807
[14] Charnoz, S., Pignatale, F., Hyodo, R., Mahan, B., Chaussidon, M., Siebert, J., Moynier, M. (2019). "Planetesimal formation in an evolving protoplanetary disk with a dead zone". A&A 627, A50
      A&A, 627, A50
[13] Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Charnoz, S., Pignatale, F., Rosenblatt, P. (2018). "On the Impact Origin of Phobos and Deimos. IV. Volatile depletion". ApJ, 860, 150
  ApJ, 860, 150
[12] Hyodo, R. & Genda, H. (2018). "Implantation of Martian materials in the inner solar system by a mega impact on Mars". ApJL 856, 2
  ApJL, 856, 2
[11] Charnoz, S., Crida, A., Hyodo, R. (2018). "Rings in the Solar System: a short review". Handbook of Exoplanets
  Handbook of Exoplanets
[10] Pignatale, F., Charnoz, S., Rosenblatt, P., Hyodo, R., Nakamura, T., Genda, H. (2018). "On the Impact Origin of Phobos and Deimos. Ⅲ. resulting composition from different impactors". ApJ, 853, 118
  ApJ, 853, 2
[9] Hyodo, R., Rosenblatt, P., Genda, H., Charnoz, S., (2017). "On the Impact Origin of Phobos and Deimos. Ⅱ. True polar wande rand disk evolution". ApJ 851, 122
  ApJ, 851 122
[8] Hyodo, R., Genda, H., Charnoz, S., & Rosenblatt, P., (2017). "On the Impact Origin of Phobos and Deimos. I. Thermodynamic and Physical Aspects". ApJ, 845, 125
  ApJ, 845, 125
[7] Hyodo, R. & Charnoz, S. (2017). "Dynamical Evolution of the Debris Disk after a Satellite Catastrophic Disruption around Saturn". AJ, 154, 34
  AJ, 154, 34
[6] Hyodo, R., Charnoz, S., Ohtsuki, K. & Genda, H. (2017). "Ring formation around giant planets by a single encounter of Kuiper belt object". Icarus, 282, 195-213
  Icarus, 282, 159-213
[5] Hyodo, R., Charnoz, S., Genda, H. & Ohtsuki, K. (2016). "Formation of Centaurs' Rings through Their Partial Tidal Disruption during Planetary Encounters". Astrophys. J. Letters, 828, L8
  ApJL, 828, L8
[4] Rosenblatt, P., Charnoz, S., Dunseath, K.M., Terao-Dunseath, M., Trinh, A., Hyodo, R., Genda, H., & Toupi, S., (2016). "Accretion of Phobos and Deimos in an extended debris disc stirred by transient moons". Nature Geoscience, 9, 581
      Nature Geo. 9. 581
[3] Hyodo, R. & Ohtsuki, K., (2015). "Saturn's F ring and shepherd satellites a natural outcome of satellite system formation". Nature Geoscience, 8, 686-689
      Nature Geo. 8, 686-689
[2] Hyodo, R., Ohtsuki, K., Takeda, T., (2015). "Formation of multiple-satellite systems from low-mass circumplanetary particle disks". Astrophys. J., 799, 40
  ApJ, 799, 40
[1] Hyodo, R. & Ohtsuki, K., (2014). "Collisional Disruption of Gravitational Aggregates in the Tidal Environment". Astrophys. J., 787, 56
      ApJ, 787, 56
Refereed Publications (Japanese)|
[4] 兵頭龍樹 (2023) "惑星形成理論×惑星探査に関するある取り組み" 遊星人 32, 4-15.
[3] 荒川創太, 兵頭龍樹, 庄司大悟, 玄田英典 (2020) "太陽系外縁天体の衛星形成と潮汐進化" 遊星人 29, 104-114.
[2] 兵頭龍樹, 玄田英典 (2018) "火星衛星フォボスとデイモスの起源・進化の現状理解" 遊星人 27, 216-223.
[1] 兵頭龍樹, Sébastien Charnoz, 大槻圭史, 玄田英典 (2017) "多様な巨大惑星リングの形成過程について" 遊星人 26, 82-91.
NASA Proposal
Nature Geoscience
Nature Astronomy
Nature Communications
Science Advances
Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)
Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
Astronomical Journal (AJ)
Planetary Science Journal (PSJ)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
Earth, Moon, and Planets
iPhone Apps|
[1] Kepler Motion (Expired), Ryuki Hyodo - 2014
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